A project from my first year at university. The brief asked us to design and create a 12 page magazine in response to an event that I had initiated or attended, the content comprised of my own original images and copy. The chosen event was the refurbishment of my garden over the lockdown periods. 
Contents page
Contents page
Planning for the refurbishment.
Planning for the refurbishment.
Phase 1, the beginning of the project.
Phase 1, the beginning of the project.
Phase 1 continued
Phase 1 continued
Phase 2, the continuation of the project throughout the second lockdown in 2020.
Phase 2, the continuation of the project throughout the second lockdown in 2020.
Phase 2 continued
Phase 2 continued
Phase 3, the final touches during lockdown 3 in 2021
Phase 3, the final touches during lockdown 3 in 2021
Phase 3 continued
Phase 3 continued

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